Alina Kurz

  • PhD student

Emil-Wolff-Str. 8
0711 459 24174


Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung


Born in August 1992 in Stuttgart.

Studies of agriculture science at the University of Hohenheim from 2013 till 2019.

From 2018 till 2019 employment as a research assistant at the department of animal nutrition and the department Feed-Gut Microbiota Interaction at the University of Hohenheim.

Since July 2019 doctoral candidate at the department of Functional Microbiology of Livestock at the institution of animal science at the University of Hohenheim.

Research Projects

Start: 01.08.2019
Wilhelm Schaumann Stiftung


This is a collaborative project together with Prof. Amélia Camarinha-Silva, Prof. Markus Rodehutscord and Prof. Jörn Bennewitz.


Kurz A, Seifert J (2021) Factors Influencing Proteolysis and Protein Utilization in the Intestine of Pigs: A Review.

Animals 11(12):3551;

Sarpong N, Seifert J, Bennewitz J, Rodehutscord M, Camarinha-Silva A (2024) Microbial signatures and enterotype clusters in fattening pigs: implications for nitrogen utilization efficiency.

Frontiers in Microbiology.15. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2024.1354537

Schmid M, Weishaar R, Seifert J, Camarinha-Silva A, Rodehutscord M, Bennewitz J (2024) Genomic analyses of nitrogen utilization efficiency, its indicator trait blood urea nitrogen and the relationship to classical growth performance and feed efficiency traits in a Landrace x Piétrain crossbred population.

Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. doi: 10.1111/jbg.12864





Saenz JS, Kurz A, Ruczizka U, Bünger M, Dippel M, Nagl V, Grenier B, Ladinig A, Seifert J, Selberherr E. (2021) Metaproteomics reveals alteration of the gut microbiome in weaned piglets due to the ingestion of the mycotoxins deoxynivalenol and zearalenone.

Toxins 13(8):583; doi: 10.3390/toxins13080583.

Kurz A, Seifert J (2021) Factors Influencing Proteolysis and Protein Utilization in the Intestine of Pigs: A Review

Animals 11(12):3551;